


from $950.00

Our neighbor to the south, Mexico is the 13th largest independent nation in the world. Mexico is considered a federation, comprised of 31 states. Their culture is comprised of many different indigenous species, including the Mayans and the Aztecs.  Occupying a majority of Central America’s territory, Mexico has one of the world’s largest economies. Yet, for being such a self-sufficient nation and seemingly independent, they are in desperate need of the Gospel and the saving grace of Jesus.  

Ministry Description:
While in country, you will be partnering with a local missionary located either in the Yucatán Peninsula or in the central plain of Mexico. You will have opportunities to do relational outreach ministry using songs, testimonies, skits, puppets, and games. You will also be able to support church plants and bible camps, as well as share the Gospel with this wonderful people group.

Click below to apply for a mission trip

Included in your trip:
Base Missions provides you with an opportunity to train and send your group on a mission experience that will be a catalyst for evangelism when they return home. You will receive a leader guide to coach you throughout your mission experience and 24/7 personal support should you have questions. Before you go, Base Missions staff will visit your site to make sure your ministry will be sustainable, effective, and impactful.

Food and Lodging:
You will be staying in a local missionary's home, a mission guest house, or church. While you are there, your hosts will prepare authentic local food for you.

Recommended Age Limit: We recommend sending people no younger than 15 to this location. 

Airport and Transportation:
Base Missions will arrange all of your in-country transportation during your trip, as it is included in the trip cost. 

Visa and Passport:
A visa is not required for this trip. A passport that is valid for at least 6 months after your trip dates is required. Passport fees are not included in the trip prices.

Please consult your doctor, local travel clinic, and the CDC (Center for Disease Control) website at for information on appropriate vaccinations for Mexico.

Sample price above is for a 7-day mission trip. Prices may vary upon location and number of days at mission site.

Image Ex Convento de Santo Domingo de Guzmán (Oaxtepec) Estado de Morelos,México courtesy of Enrique López-Tamayo Biosca (cc attribution 2.0)