Training In Nepal

Our latest international training was in the country of Nepal. There were 30 leaders from all seven provinces that came to Kathmandu, the capital, for our training. Some of these leaders traveled over 600 miles and 40 hours by bus just to attend! The training itself went well. Most of these leaders had never received any sort of training and were looking for ways in which they could equip their youth to reach out to their community. At the end of the training, they shared how they wanted to use the training to equip their youth. We were so humbled and amazed by the practical plans and the way that hundreds of Nepali youth could be trained in the months come. Our Nepali partners who network and resource the youth leaders and pastors all over the country are going to follow up and help implement these plans in the months to come. 

The day before we landed, we were confronted with the challenges that the believers face in Nepal. Four believers were arrested (two Nepali, one American, and one Indian). They were falsely accused of proselytizing, which is against the law in Nepal, and they were put in jail for 7 days. Our partners were very involved in advocating for the believers who were arrested. We had the privilege to pray together with them, encourage them, and be inspired by the faith of the believers there. The day after the believers were released on bail, we were invited to join about 200 pastors and church leaders in a prayer meeting of thanksgiving and worship. It was so encouraging to hear testimony and see the faith of the church of Nepal. Their obedience despite of persecution speaks of the dedication they have to the Lord. It is no wonder that they are the fastest growing church in the world, but such an awakening to see how the Church is radically different from here in the US. 

Thank you all so much for your prayers for our team. We definitely feel the Lord used us in an abundance of ways, and we praise Him for the opportunity to be able to do that! 

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