“We exist to empower young people to continually live and share their faith in the global communities they serve.”
Most great things start with a good base. Architects start with a foundation, dynastic sports programs have a core of great players and coaches, and chefs use flavor bases for their best dishes.
We believe leadership in the church is the same. A good foundation of leadership in the church can not only deepen what young people in the church are learning but also add to the core of a missional team that is sharing their faith and serving Jesus Christ.
We believe this so much we recently changed our name from Youth Missions International to Base Ministry. If you want to know more about this transition click here!
What we do
At Base Ministry, we strive to live out our mission of helping young people live God’s Word, share the gospel, and serve His church. Our hope is to work alongside churches to develop and empower the next generation of disciple-makers from their local congregations. Our empowerment model below depicts four ways we work alongside churches to empower their ministry.
Our Programs
Base Missions (mission trips and training) and Base Sports (week-long sports camps and summer internships) offer churches and individuals ministry opportunities and training that develop young Christian leaders for service in local churches.