From training young people, to sending interns and teams, to sports ministry, YMI is constantly working to develop more young Christian leaders who love to share Jesus. Give to this need and know that your donation is being put to good use.
Supply Sports Equipment for Camps Globally
Whether in the Amazon, Africa, or North America, we are constantly in need of more sports equipment for our evangelistic sports outreaches. Help supply more sports equipment to locations around the world, making this ministry possible.
Supply Evangelism Tools Globally
Our ministry partners and mission teams are in need of equipment and tools to help them share the message of Jesus. Partner with us by giving to supply evangelism tools to ministries that need them globally.
Start a New Mission Location
Support our effort to start new mission locations. YMI visits new mission sites to verify the ministry and build solid ministry relationships.
Support a Church Plant With a Mission Team
Sponsor a mission team in support of a church plant and help the Church around the world grow in number of new young leaders and members.
Sponsor Sports Camp for a Church in a Low-Income Neighborhood
Help Base Sports run a sports camp for a church in a low-income neighborhood at little to no cost. Sponsor the sharing of the Gospel through sports!
Train a Church Overseas
Giving to this cause allows us to train a church and its leadership, so that it may train more young people in their home community.