Training Begins!


After several days of travel, our training team met up last night with key leaders from Portugal, Germany, Albania, and Ukraine. These leaders arrived ready to learn about sports ministry and how it can impact their local churches and the communities they serve for Christ. We began with some great discussions about serving churches through sports ministry outreach. In addition to everyone sharing about their own ministry situations, we also talked about the importance of sports ministry in training young leaders for the church.

Partnering with Faith and Reinland Baptist Churches, we are now preparing to begin camp tomorrow (Monday) here near Kaiserslautern, Germany. As I write this, we are dividing up responsibilities for the camp, which will provide the practical experience for these new coaches as they learn how to lead sports ministry. The valuable experience each leader gains here will allow them to effectively communicate why sports ministry can help churches, while also giving them the experience necessary to train others to run sports ministry in their countries.

Essentially, the week we spend together here is the launching point from which each key leader will be able to train more coaches, who can act as a trainer in their own churches. Through this process, we pray that more sports ministry will take place in more locations in each nation as these leaders train more coaches. Training more leaders to lead effective evangelistic ministry in relationship with local churches is the reason we have come together in Germany. Now we pray that this effort may bring great results for the Lord. 

Please remember to pray for the sports camp and training this week. Pray that the churches here would be served well. Pray that these new coaches are empowered to return with the tools, knowledge, and confidence necessary to begin training others to replicate this ministry in their home country.

Now that we are here, we will be posting more this week to keep you informed on how you can pray for us. Thanks, everyone, for your prayers and support!