Hello from the board and staff of Youth Missions International! The need for young Christian leaders continues to grow, and being a part of how God is training young Christian leaders who love to share Jesus is incredibly exciting. Our vision is to see the next generation of leaders within the global church empowered by the church for disciple-making through service. Despite the recent changes and turmoil in the world, this vision is moving forward and expanding!

A group of YMI partners is deeply passionate about what God is doing. They have pledged a match of $15,000 in our year-end giving campaign. This means your end-of-year gift to YMI will be doubled!

A recent survey showed that 82% of young people believe we are in a leadership crisis. It also showed that only 21% of young churchgoers feel like they have access to leadership training for ministry through their church. We are working to see both of these numbers change! By expanding leadership training for ministry within local churches, the leadership crisis can be resolved. God’s amazing hand can raise up new leaders who are serving their global communities in the name of Jesus Christ! Will you join this opportunity to empower young Christian leaders?

Our generous partners have pledged $15,000 toward training young Christians to share their faith and lead within their local church. If you join them and raise another $15,000 by December 31, there would be $30,000 to train young people. 

This training is exactly what is being asked for by people around the world. Juan Peralta, an indigenous missionary to Mexico, is really excited about how the training has changed the trajectory of the church and communities around Him. He recently told us, “We want to see Mexico change from a mission field to a mission force!” To accomplish this we need to keep training leaders from Mexico to serve locally and in communities across the globe. This desire is echoed by many other churches around the world as they seek to empower their young people to live and share their faith! You can be a part of making this a reality.  

You can make a great and mighty impact in local churches and communities around the world by empowering the next generation to serve in and lead ministry! Will you partner with us and give toward this $30,000 match opportunity?