In order to help us know how we interact with an international mission force we have four different categories that help us know what they can rely on us for and how we can rely on them. No matter what the partnership looks like we value the cultural context of each location. Our desire is not to go and do ministry in a location forever, but instead to prepare local congregations to be ready live the word of God, share the Gospel of Jesus, and serve His church. Here are the four ways we work alongside the different partnership models.

  • Sister Organizations - These are local national organizations focused solely on the Base Ministry mission. The programs and methods might look different so they can do ministry in their cultural context, but the focus and mission is the same. With this type of partnership we assist them in their operations and overall development of Base Ministry. We look for ways we can meet the overall mission of Base Ministry together.

  • Strategic Partner - These are partners who are using the Base Ministry training and programs and have a similar focus to Base Ministry. Although they usually have their own mission and guidance, Base Ministry is a big part of their method. We can also assist them with some development of their organization and we work together to ensure we are both working towards our joint ventures that we have agreed upon.

  • Ministry Partner - These are partners where we work together to accomplish mutually exclusive missions and goals. Even though our missions and goals may be seperate they are generally headed in the same direction. This could be somebody who has us come develop their leaders or help them train their local congregations. It could also be a ministry inside the states that is helping us accomplish our mission through missions giving.

  • Program Partners - These are partners who work with us in a program capacity. Usually this includes being a part of one of our ongoing programs (sports, mission, servant leadership training) to help meet their singular mission. We still see each program participant as a partner because by serving them we will accomplish our mission. Normally this partnership stops after the program is finished. This could be a church that is using sports ministry material to run a sports camp or hosting a training at their church.